Regulatory Affairs


RA department of Tekro is responsible for getting products successfully registered and approved by the competent authorities.

Based on our broad expertise and deep experience gained after 20 years in the strictly regulated area of Veterinary industry we can offer following services:

ikona   Development of registration strategy

ikona   Preparation of technical documentation (dossier, SPC, PI) for marketing authorisation in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2019/6 and Commision Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/805.

ikona   Variations of the terms of a marketing authorisation for VMP (requiring and not requiring assessment)

ikona2   Electronic submission of applications (MA, VRA, VNRA, etc.)

ikona2   Stability studies and reports (long-term, intermediate, accelerated, stability after the mixing into feed, after dissolving in water, etc.)

ikona2   Environmental risk assessment (ERA)

ikona2   Maximum residue limits (MRL) for VMP

ikona2   Consulting services


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